
Showing posts from March, 2021

Tioman Island Dive Trip (Part 2)

 Here we are for part 2, the last part. I don't want to milk this for long.  The next day, my friends and I woke up around 7am. We brushed our faces and headed for breakfast. The dive center offered us breakfast coupons that we had to present to the restaurant to redeem our breakfast. The breakfast menu was really filling, I remembered having 2 roti canai and a mug of hot milk tea.  After breakfast, we headed to our room to suit up. On the way to the dive center, we stopped at a small shop to buy some pastries to have on the boat during our surface interval. When we arrived, we found all our gears prepared by the dive center ready to dive. We had our briefing from our friendly divemaster and went abroad on the speed boat. There will be 2 dives for the day and we were excited about it.  The first dive was fun, we saw many colorful fishes. This time I even spotted a turtle gliding through with remora fishes under it. once resurfaced, we had an hour to spare. We ate the snacks prepare

Tioman Island Dive Trip (Part 1)

 This story I'm about to write happened a few months back. September 2020.  A few months back, the government announced that the state borders are open and interstate travel is allowed. My friends and I jumped right into planning our dive trip. Many beautiful islands came up to suggestions but in the end, we went along with Tioman Island.  The package we booked included 4 fun dives, breakfast, accommodation for 2 nights, free-flow snacks, and boat transfer to and from the island. The package costs us around RM600 excluding the lunch, dinner, and transport to the jetty. Overall it was budgeted to be not more than RM800. The name of the dive center is Ray's Dive Adventure. Link to their  Instagram  and  Facebook . They are friendly people and I do suggest having a dive with them.  I have never been to Tioman Island. I always imagined Tioman Island to be on the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. To my surprise, Tioman Island is located on the East Coast. Yes, yes, my geographic kn

What to bring to the swimming pool (Besides the obvious)

 I got some friends who are just starting to swim and they are puzzled about what to bring to the pool.  Hmmmm..... Actually, it is quite obvious. Just bring a jammer/swimsuit, a pair of goggles, training equipment, a towel, and some extra clothes. There, you're good to go.  But, what should an avid swimmer have? What should you bring to the pool? I made a list... LET'S GO!!!! 1. Water bottle HYDRATE!!! You should always hydrate yourself in between sets or every few minutes. When you are in the water, you don't feel thirsty, but trust me you should hydrate yourself. Bring a big water bottle (more than a liter) full of water and try to finish it before you leave the pool.  YES!!! YOU DO SWEAT IN THE POOL!!  Swimmers don't realize they are sweating in the pool because it just washes out but, that's how the body reacts to heavy movements. Therefore, you do need to replace all those liquids that are sweated out.  2. Swim cap I am a boy. I have short hair. So, I never us

Swimming Gears for Advanced Swimmers

You might be swimming for the past 2 to 3 months and noticed performance improvements.  You might be swimming for a few years, but struggling to get the gains.  Or you wanna be an armature pool swimmer, open water swimmer, or a triathlete but you don't have a coach.  THIS EQUIPMENT WILL BE THE BEST TO HELP YOU!! I have been using some of this equipment and noticed improvements in my swimming speed, technique, and stamina. I hope it does the same for you.  Ps: I'm not sponsored or paid by FINIS.  1. Tempo Trainer A tempo trainer is an electronic training device that transmits an audible beep to help you develop a consistent pace and tempo. For this, I am suggesting the FINIS Tempo Trainer. The FINIS tempo trainer has 2 modes that you can select to train. a. Stroke Rate Mode In this mode, you can set the stroke rate that you want to swim in. The device will then beep according to the stroke rate you intended. This is very simple because you can have consistent fast pace strokes o

Swimming Essentials - What you need to swim faster

     For those who don't know I represented my university, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) for swimming. I was a swimming athlete for the past 3 years from 2017 - 2020. Now, I have graduated and no longer on the team. I can say I have "some" experience in the competitive swimming scene.    This post is to list down and explain some essential equipment to help you swim faster.  Before entering the scene, I was a casual swimmer. I just swim for the sake of exercise. When I was in the pool, I saw some people with their swim gears, but I had no idea what was it for. After being on a swim team for the past few years gave me some experience in this. I have to thank my coach and teammates for that.  Humans are not meant to swim and that is obvious. The anatomy and physiology of a human are meant for us to walk, run, hike, and many more. We are not made to breathe underwater nor are we made to swim fast like a sailfish. This means we need to train ourselves to swim faster, l

How I got chosen for the Varsity Swim Team

 Well, I have been procrastinating a lot to write this post. I guess I'm not a good blogger.  So, here is the story of how I got into the University Varsity Swim Team. After completing my Diploma, I was accepted to further my pre-graduate studies at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT). Going through the website, I found out UMT has an Olympic size swimming pool. I was so excited to swim in it. Once I got into UMT, I learned that all students have to apply online via the student website to book a swim session. Without wasting any time, I applied for a swim session. After waiting several days, my application was rejected. I was quite disappointed, but some of my seniors told me it will be very hard to get a successful application because there is a limit to the number of people to be in the pool at one time. I was also told by them to apply on Friday, that way my name will be on the top of the application list.   SUCCESS!!!!  This time my application was successful. I got an on Tues