
Showing posts from May, 2021

Beginners Guide to Running

  The beginning is always a challenge. The same goes for writing this blog. Hahahaha... However, to achieve something, you have to START. A few days back, a friend of mine was having some trouble consistently training/workout. He just pickup running to build up his stamina, but he finds it difficult to keep doing it. I was a beginner once. I started running consistently for the past year and here are my tips.  1. Don't care about the distance and pace Olympic long-distance runners run a lot in a day. Some may even finish 3 marathons a week. An amateur runner can run 5km a day and still do the same or even more tomorrow. Comparing these athletes is not the way to go as they have different goals. Beginners usually get demotivated when they only manage to run a few hundred meters but it is okay. They should know that running a few hundred meters or a kilometer is also a good thing.  In my opinion, a beginner should focus more on time. Forget the distance and pace. Keep an eye on how l

Intensity Vs Duration Vs Mileage

  Endurance sports basically require speed, strength, stamina, and control over the body. Elite athletes and recreational athletes have to withstand a certain amount of effort for a long time. To ensure this, training has to be done. If you have a coach, then you are better to resort to him/her. However, if you are doing it alone, here are some tips for a better training regime.  Intensity   Mileage    Duration There 3 words you might have heard when planning your training plan. How intense I have to be doing it? How long I have to be doing it? And, how far should I go? Let's look into it one by one.  One of the most common references to intensity is maximum heart rate (HRMax) when it comes to endurance training. To calculate your maximum heart rate the rule of thumb is by subtracting your age from 220. For example, if you're 45 years old, subtract 45 from 220 to get a maximum heart rate of 175. This is the average maximum number of times your heart should beat per minute durin

Coming Up With a Routine

Everyone has to have a routine. Whether you are working or not, you definitely have a routine going on. Waking up, grab a coffee, watching the TV, getting work done, exercise. It can be anything you want, no one is going to judge you. However, when it comes to training, there are specific regimes that you have to follow to get the gains. Here I am going to write about training involving endurance sports like running, cycling, rowing, swimming and so on. So, don't mix it up with other sports like badminton, football, basketball, and rugby because these sports here require teamwork and strategy. Where else the sports I'm into are more individual. Let's get into it.  When I was back in University, I had to plan my training weekly. But, this training routine was set up by our coach. We (the swim team) have swim sessions 3 times a week, dryland sessions 2 times a week, and gym sessions once a week. Sundays are our day off. We have the week packed with activities. Sometimes we do