Coming Up With a Routine

Everyone has to have a routine. Whether you are working or not, you definitely have a routine going on. Waking up, grab a coffee, watching the TV, getting work done, exercise. It can be anything you want, no one is going to judge you. However, when it comes to training, there are specific regimes that you have to follow to get the gains. Here I am going to write about training involving endurance sports like running, cycling, rowing, swimming and so on. So, don't mix it up with other sports like badminton, football, basketball, and rugby because these sports here require teamwork and strategy. Where else the sports I'm into are more individual. Let's get into it. 

When I was back in University, I had to plan my training weekly. But, this training routine was set up by our coach. We (the swim team) have swim sessions 3 times a week, dryland sessions 2 times a week, and gym sessions once a week. Sundays are our day off. We have the week packed with activities. Sometimes we do some strength and conditioning during our dryland. As you can see, swimming 6 times a week will not make you a fast swimmer. The other trainings you do out of the pool helps you get the gains in the pool.

Let me list it out, 

Sunday - Break
Monday - Swim session
Tuesday - Swim session
Wednesday - Dryland
Thursday - Gym Session
Friday - Swims session
Saturday - Dryland

Sometimes, we mix it up. When we have off-seasons where there are no competitions near, we tend to do more gym and conditioning. Otherwise, if there is competition nearby, we cut out the gym and do more swim sessions. So our typical competition prep would be as follows:

Sunday - Break
Monday - Swim session
Tuesday - Swim session
Wednesday - Swim
Thursday - Dryland
Friday - Swim session
Saturday - Dryland + Swim session

You can use this as a reference to whatever sport you are doing. Especially if you want to get better physically at a sport. Now, I am no more in university. I have to come up with routines myself. I tend to stick to the same regime I had during my university and it is helping me. 

Done talking about weekly routines, let's look into a daily routine. What should you do in a day? Well, most of it will be preparing for your training. How to prepare you to say? Well, remember to recover from your previous training. Look into my previous posts on recovery to get the best plan set up for you. 

Thank you for reading. 

See you guys in the next write.


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