Beginners Guide to Running


The beginning is always a challenge. The same goes for writing this blog. Hahahaha... However, to achieve something, you have to START. A few days back, a friend of mine was having some trouble consistently training/workout. He just pickup running to build up his stamina, but he finds it difficult to keep doing it. I was a beginner once. I started running consistently for the past year and here are my tips. 

1. Don't care about the distance and pace

Olympic long-distance runners run a lot in a day. Some may even finish 3 marathons a week. An amateur runner can run 5km a day and still do the same or even more tomorrow. Comparing these athletes is not the way to go as they have different goals. Beginners usually get demotivated when they only manage to run a few hundred meters but it is okay. They should know that running a few hundred meters or a kilometer is also a good thing. 

In my opinion, a beginner should focus more on time. Forget the distance and pace. Keep an eye on how long you run. This will help you keep an eye on progress better. Because, if you want to run 1km it will somehow take around 5 - 9 minutes to complete. Once you can run non-stop for 10 minutes or more, then you can move on to keep an eye on distance.

2. It's okay to walk

Non-stop running. Not everyone can do it. It takes time to build up all the strength and stamina to achieve this feat. Sometimes, it is not our day. We might eat too much, too little, or the weather is too hot even dehydrated. There is always a reason to stop for a while. Rome was not built in a day. 

3.  Dress appropriately 

Yes. Dress appropriately! This will make a difference. Running in your jeans or cotton pants will hot help you run easier. Try not to wear cotton as it will chafe your nipples from the friction when the shirt moves. At the same time, try to wear good running shoes. Make sure the shoes provide support and stability to every step. At the same time, I would suggest beginners not buy expensive high-end running shoes that might not suit the way you run. Beginners might ruin the shoe and not use the shoe for its great capability. So, keep your shoes simple but enough to help you run better. 


To help out some of my beginning friends here are some running regimes you can follow. 


2 mins run (moderate pace)
3-5mins (walk)
30 secs run (fast pace)
REPEAT 4 times


5mins run (easy pace)
3-5 mins (walk)
1min run (moderate pace)
REPEAT 4 times


5mins run (moderate pace)
3-5 mins (walk)
40 secs run (fast pace)
REPEAT 4 times


7 min run (easy pace)
3-5 mins (walk)
2 min (moderate pace)
REPEAT 4 times



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