Trying to run EASY on an EASY PACE


My YouTube suggestions have been filled with running tips and tricks for the past few days. I'm always keen on learning things because even the fastest runners need a coach. While watching these videos, one thing was a little too common. All the videos advised beginner runners to run at an easy pace. Running at an easy pace has been gaining attention as it can reduce lactic acid build-up in muscles and faster recovery. At the same time, running easy all the time won't help someone to run faster. The suggested routine was to run easy all the time and run at a fast pace once or twice a week. 

You see, when it comes to monitoring your running, there are several parameters you will have to monitor. Your heart rate, pace, cadence, and your own capability to keep going on. For some elite runners, easy paces are 5.00/km. Where else, a beginner runner's fast pace is just 5.30/km. This separates the best from the good ones. 

So, how do you run easy?

In my opinion, there are 2 ways to measure your efforts. There are 3 zones of effort in running, Easy, Slow, and Fast. The first way is to monitor your heart rate, and the maximum heart rate can be determined by the following formula.

220- (your age)=MAX HEART RATE (beats per minute)

For example, my age is 25 so, apply it to the formula above.


My MAX HR is 195 BPM. 

Using a smartwatch or a heart rate monitor (HRM), you can detect your heart rate zones and maintain your easy pace on your easy runs. But what if you don't have a heart rate monitoring device. This is where the second method comes in. You have to simply TALK during your runs. 

From what I have read, you tend to run at a slow pace when you talk and run. So, if you can talk while running, you are running at an easy pace. Otherwise, if you have difficulty talking while running, you are at your second zone (slow pace). Likewise, if you can't even open your mouth for a single word while running, you are at your maximum effort (zone 3/fast pace). 

I have been trying to make an easy pace run for the longest time, and it is not going well. I tend to run faster and faster as my body warms up. I have tried talking to myself when running, but it was still not working. But, I noticed one day, when I was running with my brother while talking, I have managed to maintain an easy pace all the way. The code was cracked. I just need a partner to run with. 

So to you all out there, run easy all the way. 

Thanks for reading. 

See you all in the next one. 


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