My First Open Water Swim - Race Day

13 May 2018 - Kelab Tasik Putrajaya Open Water Swimming Challange

The team posing after the race

On race day, we always prepare to leave for the venue early. We always warm up together and keep things cheerful as we wait for our event nervously. We get suited up and wait for the starter to call us to the line. Moments later, the host announces the participants to the start line. The countdown begins. T minus 10 seconds the airhorn will be honked. Everyone starts to countdown. 

10, 9. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, HONKKKKKKKKKKKKK


The start will always be crowded, all the participants will be packed together very close. So, when the horn sounds, I had to make my way to the front very fast. I received some kicks to my hand and splashes of water to my face when I came out to take my breath each stroke. The start is always messy and barbaric. Everyone pushing and swimming to get ahead of the other. Thus, begins the 2km swim for everyone. 

After the first 200m, the participants are spread out wide. The fast swimmers are ahead and the slow ones are behind. For me, I was the slow one left behind. I looked up and saw so many swimmers ahead of me, but this did not put me down. I have all my best and kept going. 

1km later I was exhausted. So, I reached into my trunks and took my electrolyte gel out. I took a big mouthful of the gel to keep me going. Lucky for me the gel helped. I was feeling okay and I kept swimming the route. 

Getting closer to the finishing line, I can hear people cheering and clapping. I got even more motivated and swam my way to the end. When I got out of the water, there was a 20meter run to the finishing line where the timing chip will stop recording. I ran my way and ended my swim. The volunteers gave me a medal and a bottle of water. I saw my coach was happy for me as he congratulated me for my swim. 

It looks like I was the last of my team to finish the race. All my teammates were already out of the water. They were waiting for me to arrive. As I went near them, they cheered and congratulated me for finishing the race. I was a happy kid. Then, we went on to take a shower, as we all smelled horrible from the smelly lake. 

Right after finishing the race

Finally, the race was over. Now the team and I waited for the results to be announced by the organizers. To our surprise, the team won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for the men's 2km category. My captain on the other hand won 1st for the men's 5km category. We also won for the women's 2km category. Overall it was a success, the team won a lot of medals. We were all ready to celebrate and do it all over again. 

The boys won the race, from left 1st, 3rd and 2nd.

Personally, I was happy for the team we won many medals, but I was not happy for myself as I finished 19 out of 200 swimmers that swim that day. I had my redemption waiting at the next race. 




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