
Showing posts from July, 2021

Fat Loss Myths

I've seen and heard many posts from my friends and others about their fat loss journey.  I am working out every single day and I don't see any results.  I just bought a girdle to help me lose my belly fat I am drinking this tea that can lose my fat.  Green tea helps fat loss I am doing abs workouts frequently but my belly fat is not going anywhere Most of the time I see these posts or hear them, they usually have one thing in common. They simply do not care for their diet. I believe having a good balance reflects on your body. A kid suffering from malnutrition will tend to have a body reflecting this diet. He lacks all the nutrients causing his body to look in a certain way. So, diet is a basic this that everyone should know.  There are many companies taking advantage of people who lack knowledge in fat loss knowledge. They tend to sell anything from slimming teas to girdles and fat loss myths to buy their products.  Always remember. There is no shortcut to success.  Every fash