This post relates to everyone who is an athlete or anyone who is training for competitions. Recovery is an important regime to deal with when it comes to training. As once my swim coach said.

"What you do outside the pool matters the most" - Mr. Helmi

Yes, he is correct. Training in the pool makes you a better swimmer, but the things you do outside the pool make you an athlete. The same goes for all sports: either a sprinter, bodybuilder, cyclist, or anything else. You can train like a mad man, but you have to be ready to do the same on the next day. Our muscles tend to get damaged in high-intensity workouts or training. The only way to do the same thing the next day is to recover those damaged muscle cells. There are many ways to recover. Some cost a huge amount of money. However, some recovery methods do not cost a single cent. I am here to talk about the simple and cost-effective way to recover your muscles for you to take your training to the next level. 

1. Sleep

The first thing is sleep. Sleep is very important. A normal person needs 6- 8 hours of sleep. The same principle applies. Try to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep at night. The naps you take in the day simply do not count. Sleep helps your muscles recover and rest. If you have to wake up early to train, SLEEP EARLY. Simple as that. Some might think 8 hours is not enough, but that is false. Keep getting 8 hours of sleep and your body will adapt to the new routine that you have come by. So, from now onwards, if you are keen to make yourself better, sleep early and avoid partying late at night.

2. Water

8 cups per day. 2 liters a day. These are the minimum amount. When you start training, always remember to hydrate yourself constantly. By doing so, you will avoid being dehydrated and tired. Hydration is important as you will replace the water in your body that comes out in the form of sweat. For swimmers, it applies the same, hydrate yourself constantly because you do sweat in the water. I have mentioned this before. A fluid of any form can be used to hydrate, water, juice, sports drink, energy drink, and many more. 

3. Massages

Having damaged muscles in the body, massaging the body, or going through physiotherapy helps in recovery. But, not everyone has the luxury of going for a sports massage. Therefore, we can opt for FOAM ROLLING. Foam rolling this the poor man's sports massage. It requires some energy to do, but it gives good recovery to the muscles. Foam rolling also helps your muscles to stretch and builds your core muscles. So, if you can't afford a sports massage, it is wise to foam roll. 

4. Ice baths / Ice packs

Lastly, ice. Ice is well known to be a part of rapid recovery. Ice baths reduce inflammation and improve recovery by changing the way blood and other fluids flow through your body. When you sit in cold water, your blood vessels constrict; when you get out, they dilate (or open back up). This process helps flush away metabolic waste post-workout. Ice baths positively affect the central nervous system, which helps you sleep and feel better. This, in turn, may improve your reaction time and explosiveness in future workouts. So, after this try having an ice bath after workouts and feel it for yourself. Have a dip in the ice bath for 10 minutes, 3 times

These are some of the many ways to recover. Practicing all these methods can make you a better athlete. It's always important to recover as it will help you with your upcoming training and avoid injuries. 

In the next write, I will be talking about recovery more in advance. I will be talking about recovering without a budget.




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