
Showing posts from April, 2021

Recovery Tips - Advanced Edition

Here we go. Part 2 of the recovery tips. I suggest reading the previous post regarding recovery before reading as I won't mention the methods that were in the last post. Assuming you did read the previous post, let's get started. Recovery playing an important role when it comes to training. These upcoming methods are for the athlete who is taking it to the very next level. These don't come on a budget nor is it simple to follow.  1. Sports massage/Physiotherapy Yes, a massage. This is a kind of therapeutic massage that considers the impact of certain activities on specific joints, muscle groups, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissue groups. I've got a few of these and let me tell you. It was awesome. Usually, the team will get a massage before major tournaments. It's to avoid any injury or fatigue in the muscles when we are performing. But, if you are training heavy, it's wise to have one or two massage sessions a week. Other than that, having checkups with a phys


This post relates to everyone who is an athlete or anyone who is training for competitions. Recovery is an important regime to deal with when it comes to training. As once my swim coach said. "What you do outside the pool matters the most" - Mr. Helmi Yes, he is correct. Training in the pool makes you a better swimmer, but the things you do outside the pool make you an athlete. The same goes for all sports: either a sprinter, bodybuilder, cyclist, or anything else. You can train like a mad man, but you have to be ready to do the same on the next day. Our muscles tend to get damaged in high-intensity workouts or training. The only way to do the same thing the next day is to recover those damaged muscle cells. There are many ways to recover. Some cost a huge amount of money. However, some recovery methods do not cost a single cent. I am here to talk about the simple and cost-effective way to recover your muscles for you to take your training to the next level.  1. Sleep The fir