
Showing posts from February, 2021

Finally Got My Diving License (Part 3 -Last)

This is the last part of my story (part 3). There are two more previously.  Sunday It was the third day of my stay in Bidong Island. So far, I am liking it a lot. The beach is just calming place to be. The beautiful scenery, salty air, and peaceful sounds surround you all the time. We woke up at 7am to our screaming alarm, our bodies aching from the previous day, but it was worth it. We just washed our faces, brushed our teeth, and went down to eat our breakfast. We meet with our instructors and divemasters and had a good chat. Then, they started with the morning briefing for the dive ahead. We were planning to had 1 more lesson to go, which means the last 2 dives will be a fun dive. We were all so excited about this.  That's me geared up and ready to dive We went to gear up, doing our buddy checks making sure everything is good. The last dive lesson for today will be about navigation and emergency resurfacing in case of an empty tank. We boarded the speedboat which will bring us t

Diving In Bidong Island (Part 2)

 Let's continue my story. If you haven't read my previous post, be sure to read it too.  The whole class at Bidong Island (that's me at the front in red). One week before taking off to Pulau Bidong, we had to undergo a small practice dive in the pool. So, our instructors booked the Kuala Terengganu Aquatic Center for the whole day. This will be the first time to gear up in scuba gear and have my first dive. At 8am that day, I took my new mask and wetsuit to the swimming pool, located 30 minutes from my university. When I reached, I saw a few of my friends anxiously waiting to dive and my instructors and divemasters preparing our equipment. We had to set up our gear and get in the water. A few basic lessons were done in the pool, including regulator recovery, mask clearance, and buoyancy control. The day was a success; we could all complete the exercise in flying colours. Next, we were prep

Getting My Diving License (Part 1)

When I was 10 years old, I had my swimming lessons. It was back in 2006. I learned how to swim in the pool's deep end, and I was even confident to dive from the board. My instructor told me I was a natural in the water, and it made me look into other water sports. Some of the sports that came to mind were wakeboarding, surfing, triathlon, and scuba diving. I was 10 years old at the time, my parents won't just let me take up diving lessons. It was terrifying for them. Move on 5 years later, my cousin brother took his scuba diving lessons. I was so amazed. I really wanted to know more about diving. There was no good internet when I was 15 (2011). But I was still interested in diving. My cousin told me that I have to take a license to dive. And that was the first time I heard about the Open Water Diving license.  A few years passed, I forgot about diving. I was hopeless that I would ever dive. The thought of me going diving didn't cross my mind. I was 22, just entering my seco